

As you can see, I’ve got new friends. I’ve been having lots of fun with them. What I need to do until I go back to Japan is getting a confidence! My teacher told me my MEE test level is the highest in my class. I was glad to know about tha…


Yesterday was Halloween!!! I’ve got new friend who’s from France! I used to try to find some new friend because Amy’s gone back to Korea. We’ve met for just a week actually but it doesn’t matter!!! We hang out together and are getting alon…


I've got job! My best friend, Amy, introduced me! The wedge is low, but I prefer other conditions such as there are riendly colleagues and easy work lol however their pronunciation is a bit difficult to catch Anyway I should improve my sk…


I'm on holiday! Lately I'm so busy so I couldn't upload blog! I went to Brisbane with my school friends as soon as my holidays started! Dream world! No USJ, no TDL,,,lol I've got a season's pass! I can go there until 30th of June in 2018! …


ここ出るんだって話ししたら まゆとたくさん時間費やそうとしてくれる フラットメイトたち。 だいすきだーーーー😔♥️ Absolutely I'll miss you guys,,,


From Mrs Macquarie's Chair Unlimited Sushi Ice skating Barista & latte art Soju party Life is beautiful thanks to my parents, I really appreciate them! I decided new way of my life, excited but a bit sadness,,, I hope my new step is gonna …


Few days ago, I applied for RSA and had a mistake of the location. I'd already known about that cancel was impossible, but I didn't wanna fail without doing anything,so I went there and tried to manage! BUT!!! The teacher was terrible!!!! …


I love crazy flat mates lol That time was around 2 am lol Really funny. Nowadays I didn't feel improvements of my English~~~! But I saw はじめてのおつかい of イッテQ And I got confidence a bit! This weekend, I'm gonna take a RSA! I'm looki…


Today I'm gonna write about Amy! We came Sydney the same day! She said she was gonna study English for 7 months, at that time I thought we must be close friend because we could spend much time each time! When we met for the first time, we …


100 days have passed since I came. Today I went to Manly beach to meet pre-class teacher,Emma! We had a lunch at cafe, how much was it do you think? hmm,,,$12 Just breakfast! Come on ~~~ We climbed a mountain! After good exercise, we saw a…


Few days ago I talked to one Korean guy. Until that day,I thought he was just working! I often ask my friends about why they came here and what the purpose is. Almost of people say that they just wanna study English or work! It's good expe…


ついに3ヶ月が経過… 何ができるようになったんだろう☹️ 日本にいた時は大学のテストとかゼミとかそこそこ頑張ってたしそんなに自分に対してムカついたり悩んだりできなくて悔やんだりすることはなかったのに、まして今は英語しか勉強しなくていいからそれに…


Hi~~~! Finally June came,, That means that it'll have passed almost 3 months since I came here! Still now I'm really enjoying Sydney life! I have such a nice family! That's why I was able to come here! After I go back to Japan, I wanna coo…


Last Monday I took 2nd progress test. I got Upper intermediate level again same as last time. I wish I could speak English with using this grammar level,,, My teacher said I should went to Upper intermediate class,,,,but my listening level…


I started studying at Intermediate class today! So I had to wake up at 7 , but when I saw my phone, it was 8:06,,,,Omg~~~~~~~~!!! I prepared and dashed to school so I arrived 8:17! I don't want to absent for school so I went to school. Tha…


シェアハウスに来てから早くも4週間目!! はやいはやすぎる… 書かなきゃ〜と思ってたら 前回からこんなに日にちが経ってた(T T) 最近の生活は朝10時ごろ起きて準備をして 学校に行って、弁当食べて、ご飯食べて 帰りにフラットメイトとスーパー寄って 買い…


It has passed about a week since I moved to share house! This house is dirty, I don't have enough space of fridge, washbowl was broken already,,,lol But the location is good! In addition,our owner and flat mates are so nice! Because they a…


ましたシドニーに来て早くも29日目。 そして今日、 ホームステイを去らなけらば なんかあんまり実感が湧かない。 Time flies すぎて。(笑) Nice to meet you. と言ってから2週間後に もう半分経ったのか…と話し、 そしてまた1週間後、 もう1週間切ったのか……


I went driving with my host family on last Saturday. We went to a lot of beach! There is a big Rubik's cube in Maroubra beach. I climbed on the cube by my host fathers' helping,,,lol After that, I went to a Korean festival with my classmat…


クラスを変えて3日が過ぎ、、 1日目、なんだこの簡単なのは… なんやこのレベルは… 時間無駄や…。 前のクラスの先生にも 何でこんなところにおるのさ みたいなことを言われ… 承知の上です( ^∀^) と 思いながらも、 確かにリスニングとスピーキングに関して…


今日からNEW CLASS!! そして今日から、 11:30-17:00の授業になる! 自分で決めたことだから ポジティブに考えてがんばってこっと⤴︎ 新しい教科書ももらえるし 新しいメンバーに会えるし楽しみ❤︎ シティからは、 ちょっと離れたところに住んでるから、 11:3…


I get up at 6:00 and go to bed at 22:30 in these days. I used to be late for university in Japan. That's why I spend very healthy days now. Anyway, I changed my class level a few days ago. Because my class mates are almost good speakers. I…


今日で10日目。 ホームステイが快適すぎる。 確実に当たりくじをひいた(^^)/ ホストマザーのご飯は、 たっくさんバリエーションがあって 毎日違う、美味しいご飯 ホストファザーは宿題を見てくれて マンツーマンで教えてくれる。 お昼ご飯は本当はついてない…


あっという間に3日間が終わっちゃった〜 早い〜( ˙-˙ ) 英語漬けの毎日で、頭がすごい働いてる。 英語の意味がわからん会話をずっと聞いてると 脳がシャットダウンしけて眠くなる language schoolの先生は聞き取りやすい英語で 話そうとしてくれるからほんの…


今日はいよいよ出発日! 昨日も今日も友達が来てくれた。 家族も関空まで来てくれた。 ほんとにたくさんの愛を感じました。 この嬉しさを忘れずに1年間がんばります。 明日にでも普通に会えそうな、 そんな風に身近に感じられる家族と 友達ばっかで、ほんと…

15 days to leave for Sydney.

カウントダウンし始めてから約2ヶ月。 最初は50daysくらいやったのにもう15daysや。 充実してる証拠!!(^^) 最近の自分は、とりあえず、 『何かしよ!』 って決めたらすぐ行動するようにしてる。 急遽さおと会ったり、 急遽あやかとランチ行ったり、 急遽1…

22 days to leave for Australia.

Time flies! It has already been eight months since I decided to study abroad. And I have only about 3 weeks left to the departure. What should I do? Maybe I think that it's the most important thing to do what I want to do. Because I don't …