


I love crazy flat mates lol

That time was around 2 am lol

Really funny.


Nowadays I didn't feel improvements of my English~~~!


But I saw はじめてのおつかい of イッテQ😂


And I got confidence a bit!


This weekend, I'm gonna take a RSA!


 I'm looking for job so I need to get it.


After I got, I'm gonna apply for job!


In addition, I wanna get somewhere without map and cellphone like Degawa. 


And I wanna get confidence much more.


Today I'm gonna write about Amy!


We came Sydney the same day!


She said she was gonna study English for 7 months, at that time I thought we must be close friend because we could spend much time each time!


When we met for the first time, we used gestures for conversation 😂😂





So nostalgic!!


I felt Amy's listening and speaking skills are good!


I remember she gave me a chunky gum!


She said she bought that at supermarket where was below our school!


 I was surprised about her confidence because that time it was very nervous to buy something at the public place!


3 months have been passed since we met!


Now she's my best friend in Sydney !!!




I really envy and respect  her cause every one likes her character!!


I'll definitely miss her on her leaving day,,,


100 days have passed since I came.

 Today I went to Manly beach to meet pre-class teacher,Emma!

We had a lunch at cafe, how much was it do you think?




Just breakfast! Come on ~~~😑🤜🏻


We climbed a mountain!

After good exercise, we saw awesome views!!!




But the top of mountain was windy, so Felipe's hair was quite funny 😂 



He has local job in Sydney!

Even though he applied for local restaurants  just 1 time, lucky he got a local job!!


I really envy:-)


He lied about experience but I think kind of smart!lol



 Tomorrow I have to talk with my teacher,,

 I feel nerves a bit 😅


But today I talked to my father cause it was Father's Day and I got power 🤜🏻




I can do anything without giving up!




Ps: congratulations to my parents!

happy anniversary 26th for wedding !


Few days ago  I talked  to one Korean guy.


Until that day,I thought he was just working!


I often ask my friends about why they came here and what the purpose is.


Almost of people say that they just wanna study English or work!


It's good experience to work in another country, I know.


I was thinking about he can speak English well.


But I've never asked him why he could speak English.


That's why I asked about his life.


He went to uni in2009,work as military for 2 years, and at that time he thought he really wanted to study English,but his family wasn't rich, a bit poor,so he didn't have money to study abroad.


Dispite no money, he couldn't give up his dream,then he came up with that he worked as a volunteer.


He found a website for volunteer in Ireland.


He contacted to the community for 2 months,after that he was allowed to go to Ireland as a volunteer for free!


The volunteers are for people who has Down syndrome.


He lived with them , took care of them and also works as farmer!


Before I came here I didn't think about that I could  work as volunteer.


After he went back to Korea,he graduated from uni and came to Sydney.


In addition he has two jobs in here and earn money for his family. 

He sends $2,000 for his family per a month!


 I really respect him,,,,


My thinking is different from before!


 I found new sight,,,














てことで今日はAmyプラス誰か新しい友達とどっか行ってみようと思って急遽、Yeonとnew townに行ってきました〜






そのあとに食べたstrawberry watermelon cake、2人がマジなダメダメコメントしてて面白かった(笑)あんまりおいしいって感じなくてもまずくなかったらまあまあっていう日本人とは程遠くちがったわ(笑)


ちなみに昨日はAmy がうちにきて一緒にキムチチゲ作って食べてDarlingharborのvivid sydneyにいってきてWater show見た!




一昨日は最近ずっと一緒にいたJerry が国に一旦帰り昨日はゆっちゃんがMelbourneに行ってしまった😂


















Finally June came,,


That means that it'll have passed almost 3 months since I came here!

Still now I'm really enjoying Sydney life!

 I have such a nice family!

That's why I was able to come here!


After I go back to Japan, I wanna cook dinner for my parents many times :-)

Because they gave me a chance to study abroad!

I can't thank you enough!!


In addition,nowadays I like cooking ~~~~!


So I'm sure that when I go back to Japan, my cooking skills are better than my sister,Ochibi!lol




I cook lunch boxes for my flat mates!

Actually not everyday but 2 times a week I cook for them! But it's okay because Jerry's meals are 很好吃!lol



我的老师是Jerry!(My teacher is Jerry)

And also 我是他的曰语老师!


I studied Chinese hard in my uni so I remember how to speak Chinese a little bit!

Now I can practice with Jerry!

So I won't forget Chinese and I wanna learn spoken Chinese!


I'm gonna improve my English skills and my Chinese skills as well!


If I study hard, I can improve my skills!


I believe it!


And I love a person who really loves me!



She is my really best friend!



I like her character and expression!


I'm gonna go Korea next year to meet her!


And also she has to come to Jp😐❣️


I really want her to introduce to my family like my bfㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Anyway! 사랑해〜(I love you 😘)


Last,I'm gonna go job interview soon!

Hmmm! So exciting!!!


 Next time,probably I'm gonna write about job!





Last Monday I took 2nd progress test.

I got Upper intermediate level again same as last time.

I wish I could speak English with using this grammar level,,,


My teacher said I should went to Upper intermediate class,,,,but my listening level is poor and speaking as well.


I know now is better than before.


But I thought I could understand their English soon.


It's more difficult for me to understand English than I thought:-(


Just I have to practice, practice and practice!

So maybe I'll go Upper intermediate class!

Time flies! I don't wanna waste time and money!



Btw,tomorrow I have to make a presentation in class.


 I gonna talk about my hometown and near my home town!


Last time I made a note for remembering the sentences but this time I didn't make!

So I hope I can do it without note,,,try!


I always respect everyone,,

I try to be the person I want to be!


My class mate in  Hyde park!



@Bondi beach!

