
Few days ago, I applied for RSA and had a mistake of the location.


I'd already known about that cancel was impossible, but I didn't wanna fail without doing anything,so I went there and tried to manage!


BUT!!! The teacher was terrible!!!!

He didn't try to teach cause my English were poor,and he said I had 2 choices, first, I waited for their boss, talked to him, or I went back home and texted to him. At that time,Even whichever I chose, the outcome was same, I thought. That's why I said a lot of complaints to him and I left there.


By the way, I was surprised because probably I couldn't say complaints 4 months ago.


Anyway, I said complaints to him with $100😇


I felt that that my English was improved a bit!!


Sorry,my parents !


After that, I wanted to relieve my stress so I called to Amy, and we went out for lunch and shopping!




Hahahaha Love사랑해♥

In addition, we went jogging in daring harbour!


And we supposed to go to gym, but there are fucking smells,so go back home and drinking~~~!!


Love my flat mates 😔✨


I must miss them when I leave here,,,,